The Belmont Forum

The Belmont Forum is a high level group of the world's major and emerging funders of global environmental change research and international science councils. Please visit for more information on the Belmont Forum.

A list of current members of the Belmont Forum is available here.

Current Opportunities

Africa Regional Call (ARC)


Registrations Opens:
24 May 2024

Registrations Due (Extended):
13 September 2024 20:00 UTC

The Belmont Forum and the National Research Foundation, South Africa (NRF) are pleased to announce the launch of a Collaborative Research Action (CRA) known as the Africa Regional Call.

This Call aims to support transdisciplinary and convergent research approaches that address knowledge gaps and priorities in addressing climate change vulnerability across the continent.

Applicants are invited to submit research proposals that address at least one of the three call themes:

  • Area 1 - Water - Energy - Food - Health Nexus
  • Area 2 - Pollution
  • Area 3 - Disaster Preparedness, Responsiveness, and Recovery

Read Call Documents


  • Registrations Opens: 24 May 2024
  • Registrations Due (Extended): 13 September 2024, 20:00 UTC
  • Full Proposals Due: TBD
Tropical Forests Call (Forests)


Registrations Opens:
14 June 2024

Registrations Due:
12 November 2024 23:59 UTC

The Belmont Forum is pleased to announce the launch of a Collaborative Research Action "Tropical Forests: Global Implications and Pressing Actions" (FORESTS 2024) in partnership with the G20.

The CRA FORESTS 2024 aims to coordinate actions and projects with a transdisciplinary approach to develop innovative solutions to the challenges faced in tropical forest regions, Amazonia being the largest and most populated. Acknowledging the differences in governance, cultural diversity, and territorial configuration, this CRA spans tropical forests worldwide that face similar challenges.

Proposals submitted to this CRA should encompass elements from at least two of the three areas listed below:

  • Area 1: Reduce deforestation, and promote sustainable development and locally-led economies
  • Area 2: Ecosystem Function, Connectivity, and Climate Change Science
  • Area 3: Environmental Justice and Governance

Read Call Documents


  • Call Opens: 14 June 2024
  • Registrations Due: 12 November 2024, 23:59 UTC
  • Full Proposals Due: TBD

Opportunities Under Review

None at this time.

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The Belmont Forum Grant Operations (GO) System

In February 2014, NSF procured services leading to the deployment of this website. The system supports the applications process and review process for Belmont Forum grants. If you have questions and/or need assistance with this system, please review our Help Page.

System Notes

  • You must have cookies enabled to use this application.
  • If you have any problems using this system, please contact immediately.